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In order for your website to be seen online, you need a web hosting service. Web hosting services differ by how the servers are set up (i.e. the space allocated) and the type of access that people (aka hosting customers) have to them. Every website you’ve ever visited has a website hoster. The main types of website hosting are Shared, Dedicated, VPS and Reseller.

Shared Hosting is a type of web hosting where a single physical server hosts multiple websites. Considered the cheapest hosting plan, many users utilize the resources on a single server, which keeps the costs low. Users each get a section of that server where they can host their website files. Shared servers can host hundreds of users. Each customer who uses the Shared Hosting server has access to such features as databases, monthly traffic reports, disk space, email accounts, FTP accounts, and other add-ons offered by the hosting provider. System resources are shared on-demand by users on the server, where each one gets a percentage of everything from RAM and CPU as well as the single MySQL, Apache, and mail servers.

VPS Hosting is a type of web hosting that’s suited for those who have outgrown Shared Hosting. Since multiple websites reside on a single web server with Shared Hosting, with no guarantee of resources, VPS Hosting allows for fewer users to share allocated resources of hard drive space, memory, and processor power. Each user on a VPS server has access to a virtual machine that runs on its own copy of an Operating System (OS). This lets VPS Hosting customers experience similar capabilities and performance levels of a Dedicated Server for their web hosting services.

Reseller Hosting is a form of web hosting where the account owner has the ability to use their allotted hard drive space and bandwidth to host websites on behalf of third parties. In other words, the reseller purchases the hosting provider’s wholesale services and then sells them to their clients/customers for a profit. Want more info? Check out Speedtink's “Getting Started” guide for Reseller Hosting.

First-time EasyWP, VPS, Reseller and Shared Hosting customers are eligible for our 30-day money-back guarantee. Dedicated Server customers have a 7 days of refundable period. Addons for web hosting services and Private Email Hosting are non-refundable. Read more about our website hosting guarantee →